Zach Margolis


My name is Zach Margolis, it’s very nice to meet you! For work, I’m a software engineer. In the past, I’ve worked at Square (before it was called Block), and I’ve also done a tour of duty at the US Digital Service (before it was renamed), and worked on via GSA’s TTS division. I graduated from UC Davis, go Aggies!

Recent Posts

Data Visualization Projects

I enjoy collecting data from my everyday life and visualizing it. A few of my projects:

My Swimlog

I love open water swimming! This is my journal of open water swims, with plots of each swim course.

My Pennies

I pick up loose change when I find it on the ground and record it, and I have a small competition going with some of my family.

Other Projects

My Newsletter

My photo newsletter, The Weekly Margs (active from 2019–2021).

My Pub Trivia

During shelter-in-place, I started hosting trivia over Zoom.

My Recs

I’ve put together some recommendations for visitors to a few cities:

Elsewhere on the Web

On Bluesky

On Instagram

On GitHub

On Pinboard

On Tumblr

On LinkedIn

Ye Olde Blog

The old blog that I hosted front and center here until July 2010.


Just reverse and email: moc.liamg@silogrambz


Zach Margolis, 2025